Square Small Chinese Peking Rug Mat #3735

Regular price $435.00

Like a whispered secret from 1920, this adorable 1'7" x 1'7" square Chinese Peking mat rug holds a charm all its own. Its whimsical broken border is like a ribbon unraveling mid-dance, framing a playful contrast, bamboo leaves swaying on one end, delicate flowers blooming on the other.

Beneath this lively flourish lies a more traditional closed border, a quiet nod to classic design. The colors, gentle and earthy, settle like autumn’s last warm afternoon, lending a mellow grace to its unique character. A little square mat with a big personality, it’s a delightful slice of history, woven with a wink and a whisper of whimsy. This beauty has a sister, which you can look at here.

Will ship with a pad on the house to keep this little gem nice and snug

Exact Size: 1'7" x 1'7"

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